Put an end to the machinations of the doctors under the pretext of a so-called "coronavirus" ("Covid-19")!

Put an end to the health dictatorship of the medical doctors’ class (doctatorship)!

Attack! Go on the offensive!

Why doesn't the international medical class take worldwide action against the dirt epidemic (exhaust fumes, fine dust pollution, soot particles, etc.), which kills 7 million people every year, why not against the epidemic of the so-called medical "malpractice", which kills 2.6 million patients annually? Both epidemics affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Why doesn't the international medical class take global action against them?

Because it is the doctors themselves that are primarily responsible for this by their doings and by their omission. Every doctor by law and medical oath is solely obliged to avert harm from the patient. From the official doctor at the public health department up to the WHO (World Health Organization). Considered from a legal point of view: their position of a surveillance guarantor!

The doctors, and the associated so-called experts from the medical field of gravity, program, define, determine and decide as a shadow cabinet in the advisory and expert bodies of each supposed government respectively the so-called limit values, that means, for instance, the amount of pollutants and toxins that everyone must inhale, eat and drink every day. With "health" promises and the formula "according to the current state of science and technology", the doctors take over the decision-making power over everyone's life. Result: the above mentioned dead!

In the iatro-capitalist system of the anticipated death, doctors reckon with the forgetfulness of the subjects: When inhaling the poisoned air, nobody falls to the ground as if struck by lightning. The insidious poisoning is not immediately noticeable. And of those who are pinned years later on the diagnose of pneumonia or cancer as an individual disease, who will remember the dirt he or she has breathed in during the recent years with the blessing and approval of the medical class?

The doctors use military and dictatorial means. And that becomes more obvious every time:

And it is also no coincidence that the international medical doctors’ class is launching its global terrorist propaganda of "virus", "epidemic" and "pandemic" and the associated medically prescribed coercive measures that do not even try to hide their medical-military essence: overriding civil rights, forced therapy, forced quarantine, travel restrictions, border closings, closure of cities, state of emergency, military action, etc. All this at a time when a wave of protests and riots is spreading worldwide. Whatever their respective causes and demands are, it is protests whose driving and pushing power is essentially illness. The medical-military operations are measures to contain and stop this worldwide wave of protests, and at the same time they are aimed at conferring more power and domination to iatrocracy.

The goal of any medical activity and operation is to suppress the protest arising out of illness, i.e. the patients’ resistance against the compulsion to adapt to a harmful and deadly reality: Iatro-Capitalism.

The medically inflamed poisoning business of the "epidemic" consists in the fear of illness, i.e. fear of the sick, a fear that is instilled in everyone by medical terrorism and spread everywhere (medical brain imperialism). This poison is instilled in order to eat up and destroy every onset to a social fabric that aims to be freed from all oppression, every coming together and being-for-each-other, every cooperation and solidarity. Instead, the iatro-capitalist maxims "run for your lives" and "everybody for himself" are propagated by the doctors, and with them are growing the isolation, the distance, the separation, the competition and antagonism, the fight of each-against-each-other, and the division.

It is only with PRO illness as a principle and by standing up AGAINST the medical class that we make ourselves immune to these machinations of the medical doctors’ class.

For decades, the Socialist Patients Collective / Patients Front, SPK / PF (H), together with other SPK units around the world (MFEs), has been fighting the iatrobiontic war of doctors and the health dictatorship of the medical doctors’ class (doctatorship) against everyone with effective counterattacks. Many others from the patients’ class adopt their pathopractic actions and go on the attack.

Building the patients’ class is the citizen’s first duty!

Put the doctors under patients’ control!

There is unity against illness. Let's reverse the situation. Otherwise it will kill us.

SPK/PF MFE Colombia, SPK/PF MFE Espa, 18.03.2020

Up to date: April 13, 2020


Iatrocapitalist SALVATION Front (HEILsfront) or PATIENTS´ FRONT

Medical extermination selection (Triage) or Turn Illness into a revolutionary weapon


Triage: Medical selection ramp, on which the medical doctors decide who has to bite the dust und who not yet:

There is no battlefield outside illness. Turn illness into a revolutionary weapon!

Doctor-free illness collectives are the first step towards the creation of the still missing human species. It takes nothing else except the consequence of the single one to make a decision on the strength of illness. SPK/PF(H) and the MFE collectives all around the world the very first beginning.



SPK/PF (Austria)

September 2001


In the wake of the events in Afghanistan / USA, the population in this country again is infiltrated intensively with medi-cynical propaganda. Not a day of the past week passed without a doctor coolly and objectively explaining, via television or radio interview, how his ‘guild’ is prepared for something like this and how the doctors deal with injured people. Currently at the forefront of medicine: Dr. med. Kaff, head of the Vienna Rescue, who was active in the media on the first day after the events in New York. Like others of his colleagues, he emphasized the necessity that they (the doctors) had no choice but to simply declare the seriously injured to be dead in order to "save" others. They call that triage, in German: in each disaster situation, doctors choose from among the wounded which third, or which "scrap of human material" is NOT to be left behind and has to bite the dust. Such an act – along with the justification attempt for this – is no different from what a Dr. Mengele did on the ramp of the Auschwitz concentration camp or what today doctors as, e.g. the gynecologist J. Huber, the prenatal diagnostician M. Hengstschlaeger or the clone advocate W. Feichtinger at the Vienna General Hospital are practicing and propagating (see e.g. Kurier from October 4, 2000): the selection and killing of "ballast existences". In short: euthanasia by triage, but today's differential euthanazia being worse, because practiced in an insidious manner. Proof, New York: the dead are unknown, just like in their lifetime. All fully recorded in terms of data technology, indistinguishably dead both as dead and as living, except for the data in data protection. Signs of life? No, death signs.

In order to divide the patients into valuable and worthless (in-valid) ones, the doctors use their well-known selection repertoire for triage. The isolated patient's body is measured (temperature, wound surface, blood loss, etc.) and labeled accordingly. Not just figuratively! With the help of colored stickers for the various degrees of injury, the rescue services are well equipped to sort out any number of patients. It is not a question of ensuring people's survival, but of using the capitalist minimax principle (minimum production costs - maximum profit) to use existing resources rationally in order to most effectively deploy the expensively trained medical workers for the sake of profit.

There is already too much medical detail knowledge, and given that medicine has been the largest branch of industry for years, there is no need to discuss whether or not the available resources are enough. How else was it possible that, in Carinthia, the various air rescue services could engage in an air war over "their" patients (see corresponding press reports)? And anyway: what do doctors do in situations that are also uncomfortable for them? They are the very first to flee (see Chernobyl, so-called Ebola epidemic in Africa, epidemic alert in India).

So it is not about the suffering of the countless wounded, but the doctors take every opportunity to distract from the fact that they themselves are supernumerous. USA pp also suits them and gives them the opportunity to hit the big time on television. The population - paralyzed and fainted anyway by permanent bombardment with pictures and "information" - should then believe that there would be no other way than that of declaring out of hand seriously injured patients to be dead.

Against this: PATIENTS’ FRONT!

Without the medical class there is no triage, no euthanazia, no differential euthanazia.

Note: The catastrophe circles deadly, most of the time in your everyday life.

Away with the doctors’ class!


Socialist Patients’ Collective/Patient’ Front (Austria), SPK/PF (Austria), Vienna


By the way, and happening now:

Take care not to lose out in the medical crate bombardment in the war between the Crusader Soup Punch and Saladin, who doesn't want to swallow his bouillon chunks for another 1,000 years. Anyone who is writing off illness into the "also-ran category" has already lost out. That much is certain.

Have you ever read about biological weapons, when illness is then striking you directly from Iatro-capitalism into the innards? (Identity of illness and capitalism, known since SPK 1970/71). Do you then regulate what is necessary in your "other areas of politics and life" from the intensive care unit, provided that you are one of the third selected (triage) to participate in this special medical favor -? Globalization in the intensive care unit, anthrax and plague in it, with white-coat-wearers and cloning-vultures around it, would be nothing new, but something different!

Taken from Patientenstimme (Patients' Voice) No. 6

Here are some texts that are important, especially regarding the so-called "corona virus":

Stop the medical doctors’ iatrobiontic warfare against all people!
Make front against it!

Patients' Front chases away vaccination iackers and the children are happy.
The medical doctors attempted a compulsory vaccination, but the doctatorship failed.

AIDS, SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola ...

"Virus" means poison. Who is poisoning?

All the doctors’ rubbish to the dump, cause no-one no more wants their junk


The medical doctors are to blame for the deadly dust epidemic:
dust or clouds of smoke and poison, fine dust, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, contaminated water, radioactive pollution, smog ...
The medical doctors are to blame because they hold the guarantee-position!

The state of the world is illness, What is to be done?

EuthaNAZIa, nowadays?

Science is in effect the ignominy and shame of Auschwitz, of Hiroshima, and all the scientific trash and waste have already formed garbage dumps even in space (satellites etc.).

"Health" is but a biologistic-nazistic figment of the mind