In Europe euthaNAZIstic murder remains stopped

The patients‘ class in England has deprived the medical doctors' class of their rights already centuries ago.

Already centuries ago the Spanish had missed Prester John. Recently, the church sometimes ridicules the Sermon on the Mount and discriminates against ill people. Pluto, mad about this, is resorting to earthquakes (38 times in 24 hours, with repetition on the fourth day) and to floods.

Our prince-ity in Italy has energetically and decisively attacked the iatrocracy.

Europe has signed against every murder-headquarter in the world.

Another detail, that had remained unknown to us, should have been referred to earlier (concerning: EuthaNAZIsm, here: to the Pope's cousin. His cousin has been killed by then Nazi-doctors). This also on the matter: our prince-ity.

PF/SPK(H), 30.10.2008